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At Climate, I’m part of a large iOS Engineering team spread out across multiple cities and countries, including: San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, and St. Louis, Brazil, and Argentina. I work on FieldView, an app that fosters sustainable farming by helping farmers maximize yields for crops.
On the left, you can see a farm with many user-drawn shapes. These shapes may hold pertinent information for that region, like soil levels and notes. Farmers can easily interact with these regions to learn more about how their farm is doing.
I mostly worked on this feature in my internship. One major thing I accomplished is implementing a new library to handle geographical object modeling. I was able to find a better (and faster) way for us to convert data from servers into the interactive regions you see on the left.
Currently, I’m working on multiple projects that make the app faster and easier to use while also reducing the amount of bugs and crashes.
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At Express Scripts, I was working with the iOS Engineering team on the app ‘Accredo’. Accredo is for patients with complex and chronic health conditions. Most of our users needed a plethora of unique medications (the average price Accredo patients spend for a single drug exceeds $10,000). Thus, this app lets patients view all their prescriptions, see their next refill dates, and track the symptoms they’re experiencing from their medications.
I worked with two full-time iOS Developers in creating the interface for the application. Some of the interfaces I developed on my own entirely - like the choose delivery dates screen and symptom tracking screen (the first two images on the left).
Additionally, I also independently redesigned the tab bar (third image) so that when a user selects a tab, the whole tab changes color (originally, the tab would stay white and the glyph would simply have a green outline). This made the app more accessible to patients with eyesight issues and was widely adopted by iOS and Android teams working on other apps at Express Scripts.
On top of developing interfaces, I converted parts of the outdated codebase from a MVVM architecture to VIPER. For every feature I worked on, I also created unit tests for safety precautions.